LiN - Arge e. V. – Logo
LiN – Lagerung in Neutralstellung
Ein pflege-therapeutisches Lagerungskonzept
LiN - Arge e. V. – Logo

Ein pflege-therapeutisches Lagerungskonzept

LiN - Arge e. V. – Logo

Ein pflege-therapeutisches Lagerungskonzept

  •     LiN - What is it?

LiN - What is it?

LiN-POSITION IN NEUTRAL explained in a film. The film answers the most important questions about LiN

How did the LiN positioning concept come about? What does neutral position actually mean and how does LiN differ from conventional positioning? Dr. Pickenbrock explains all this and much more in the film we shot at the end of 2018 in the LVR-Clinic in Bonn.

We use a practical example to illustrate the experiences of patients with LiN. In addition, you will get a brief overview of what LiN can achieve and how people with reduced mobility can benefit from LiN.

We would like to thank the LVR-Clinic for the permission to film in the clinic rooms. Further thanks to tapehouse-productions for the good cooperation during the film production.