LiN - Arge e. V. – Logo
LiN – Lagerung in Neutralstellung
Ein pflege-therapeutisches Lagerungskonzept
LiN - Arge e. V. – Logo

Ein pflege-therapeutisches Lagerungskonzept

LiN - Arge e. V. – Logo

Ein pflege-therapeutisches Lagerungskonzept

  •     Definition



​LiN - Lagerung in Neutralstellung (engl.: Positioning in Neutral) is a therapeutic functional positioning concept based on neuro-physiological principles. The concept is flexible. Especially severely disabled patients can be positioned according to their needs.
The term ‘Neutralstellung’ within LiN is derived from the basic principle of this concept. During positioning in LiN, body parts are moved as far as possible to a position between flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, inward and outward rotation, this is the neutral position. (Debrunner 1971, Mink 1996, Klein-Vogelbach 2000). Applying special techniques (“Modellieren”, “Stopfen”), the body parts are kept in this position using duvets and pillows.​ All known positions (e. g. supine or lateral position) can be modified in terms of LiN.​ Principles such as indication, frequency and choice of the respective position are integrated.

In contrast to conventional positioning in LiN 

  • the focus lies on the alignment of body parts to each other: stretching and shortening of muscles is avoided, joints are in neutral as far as possible
  • body parts are supported against the force of gravity
  • paretic and spastic body parts are firmly supported by sufficient duvets and pillows
  • the body does not adapt to the mattress, but the material is adapted to the body
  • cavities are avoided
Physical constitution, contractures and chosen postures are limiting factors. Here you can find a schematic example.

Goals for LiN

  • improves mobility*
  • is comfortable*
  • reduces contact pressure* and thus avoids pressure sores
  • facilitates resting
  • facilitates activity
  • feels safe
  • reduces pain related to positioning
  • ​​provides complementary tools for the treatment of contractures

* evidence-based